Hope and Family Law: A surprising moment
A victim of narcissistic abuse? You may have given up hope. Remember this, hope hasn’t given up on you, neither have your friends and the many friends you haven’t met yet. We are always… Continue Reading
A victim of narcissistic abuse? You may have given up hope. Remember this, hope hasn’t given up on you, neither have your friends and the many friends you haven’t met yet. We are always… Continue Reading
I originally wrote this April 2012. You will be able to tell because of the discussion of Pinterest. This was originally written as a newsletter. Hi Everyone, “Fall down 7 times, get up 8.” That saying has kept me going… Continue Reading
My Neurons Make Me Do It People ask if I am afraid of writing about the ethical lapses of a judge in Texas with ties to the Bush family or her cohorts that manipulate the system to their advantage. Or… Continue Reading
Warm weather is the end of the winter of my discontent. I flourish in sun but not so much the winter rains of my home in the San Francisco Bay Area. My pessimism doesn’t trump my optimism during winter but… Continue Reading
Had enough? Fed up? Told you aren’t smart enough or good enough? Well, c’mon girl, time to get your power back. In so many ways, for too long, women have ceded power to men because they just have to have… Continue Reading
I Got Up and Kicked the Bastards in the Balls. (This painful memory, with language no one who knows me will believe I am using, is dedicated to the men and women victimized by revenge filled spouses, dirty lawyers and… Continue Reading
Dating,porn,trust,being a good partner – this slice of life essay has it all. Genders have issues – we all know it – this just brings a few things front and center about it! Women – is he: screwed up? … Continue Reading
This is a true story of failure and success and what happened in-between. It’s a story of why a goal can make you happier and how failure is not your enemy. Losing your confidence is not the end of the… Continue Reading
You choose. Do we have the glass half full playbook or the glass half empty? The silver lining playbook or the nimbus cloud? It helps to be born with the optimism gene and let life’s little terrors bounce off your… Continue Reading
Life After…Moving To Happy You Have Many Possible Futures – Which One Will You Choose? You may have been told for so long that everything was your fault, you can’t do anything right, you’re not smart, so that all of a sudden you don’t… Continue Reading