Microclimates of My Soul
Warm weather is the end of the winter of my discontent. I flourish in sun but not so much the winter rains of my home in the San Francisco Bay Area. My pessimism doesn’t trump my optimism during winter but… Continue Reading
Warm weather is the end of the winter of my discontent. I flourish in sun but not so much the winter rains of my home in the San Francisco Bay Area. My pessimism doesn’t trump my optimism during winter but… Continue Reading
You choose. Do we have the glass half full playbook or the glass half empty? The silver lining playbook or the nimbus cloud? It helps to be born with the optimism gene and let life’s little terrors bounce off your… Continue Reading
Life After…Moving To Happy You Have Many Possible Futures – Which One Will You Choose? You may have been told for so long that everything was your fault, you can’t do anything right, you’re not smart, so that all of a sudden you don’t… Continue Reading
Word Salad and Stealth Transaction Fees Oh how clever the narcissist: learning the language of manipulation so that it appears normal. They will act relaxed, laid back, and even serene with you. But the tab… Continue Reading
Sometimes you have to be blunt with your friends to get the message across. I refer to GFE here which means, according to Urban Dictionary, Girl Friend Experience from a prostitute. (No, I won’t deconstruct… Continue Reading
When someone thinks they know everything about you – and they get it all wrong it creates some cognitive dissonance. I read this and think, “Who is this? Who thinks like this?” A while ago… Continue Reading
DOES CORRUPTION MATTER? Yes. I write about corrupt people. I expose them, using their own words and deeds. Nothing else. I hold up the mirror and show them their reflection. They do not like it. They complain. I do this… Continue Reading
Anxiety is a part of the human condition. Everyone, everyday has some. But when it controls your actions, your sleeping, your eating and robs you of joy and becomes your only companion it is time to do something about it.… Continue Reading
It is really easy to feel like a doormat in a relationship with a narcissist. My alchemy came as an unexpected gift from my narcissist. Problems, failures and disappointments, when put into the proper perspective, make alchemists of us all.… Continue Reading
By Ann Bradley Get Your Power Back When you’re being played you feel out of control. The lies and manipulation and betrayals hurt. The games played by narcissists cut deep wounds and sometimes,no matter how many successes, how much money… Continue Reading